Who is Suditi?
Suditi has been writing since the age of 9. At age 16, a small piece written as a gap-filler in the school magazine got her recognition and award from Hindi Academy, Delhi. Following this, for 12 long years, which she refers to as the dark ages of her life, circumstances in Suditi's life prevented her from writing. But in 2010, her first novel got selected for publishing, and there has been no looking back for her since then.
Her transformative experience through creative writing encouraged her to explore the medium further for empowering individuals. In 2016, after getting her second novel published, Suditi left for the UK to complete Masters in creative writing from the University of Durham. Her workshop, developed as a part of her post-graduate study for bringing about emotional wellbeing through creative writing, was very well-received.
Upon her return to India, Suditi began working on emotional wellbeing using creative writing, and offered it to many individuals and groups, of various age-groups. Thus, Aatman was created and offered to hamlets, both in-person and online. The outcomes resulted in path-breaking work in the field of creative writing. Numerous people from different backgrounds and age-groups, were able to overcome emotional blocks that were separating them from living their best life.
Suditi's persona encourages others to share with her their deepest fears, and through her work in the field of communication, especially communication with the self or the Aatman, and the sensibilities acquired by being a level I Reiki practitioner, Suditi is able to facilitate demonstration of the truest inner self in all.